Find here super easy recipes (less than 20 min prep) that taste delicious for the all family and friends.

I am definitely not a top chef but I enjoy cooking for the ones I love.

Here I share with you my favorite super easy recipes that I have collected from my grand-mother, my mum, my step-grand-mother or from other family members or friends (so big call out to them!).

Time to cook.


Oma's pizza

  • Mix all together: 150g greek yogurt + 6 table spoon of olive oil + 6 table spoon of milk + salt + 1 tea spoon of sugar + Provence herbs + 1 table spoon of baking powder + 300g flour

  • Knead with a fork until you get a dough, then spread it out with your fingers covered with flour

  • Add as many toppings as you want but work best with tomato paste, salami, red & yellow peppers as the base.

  • Cook in oven at 210°C for 30 min


Tomato tart

  • Mix together: 100g melted butter + 200g flour + salt

  • Stir with your finger until you get samolina texture

  • Add 6 cl cold water and make a dough. Then spread it out in a mold and make holes with a fork

  • On top of the dough and in the following order: spread mustard with a spoon, then add sliced cheese (like emmental), then add sliced tomatoes, then add sliced cheese again + Provence herbs + salt

  • Cook in oven at 210°C for 30 min


Apple tart

  • Mix together: 100g melted butter + 200g flour + salt

  • Stir with your finger until you get samolina texture

  • Add 6 cl cold water and make a dough. Then spread it out in a mold and make holes with a fork

  • Add on top of the dough: applesauce + apples cut in slices + vanilla sugar

  • Cook in oven at 210°C for 30 min


Melty chocolate cake

  • Melt together 100g butter + 200g chocolate

  • Add 200g brown sugar (and brown is a must) + 4 eggs (but dont forget to mix in between each egg) + 100g almond powder

  • Cook in over at 180°C for 35 min


Rhubarb crumble

  • Peel and cut 1 bunch of rhubarb + 3 apples and add 40g sugar into a mold

  • Mix 120g flour + 100g brown sugar + 100g melted butter and stir with your fingers until you get crumbles

  • Put crumbles on top of your mold

  • Cook in oven at 200°C for 40min


Avocado & crab

  • Cut 2 avocados in half

  • Remove the pits and replace with crab mixture mixed with mayonnaise


Oma’s jam

  • Unfroze 1kg of organic fruit (here strawberries) with 500g of preserving sugar (aka “gelier zucker” in German or “sucre gélifiant à confiture” in French) in a big pan for a few hours

  • Once unfrozen, mix it gently with a big spoon and boil the mixture for 4 min

  • Add 1 lemon juice

  • Pour the mixture into glass jars, close the jars and turn them upside down. This will create the vacuum you need to keep the jars stored longer.

    Tip: To sterilize the jars, put them empty in the oven on a baking tray at 100°C for 15 min with a bit of water poured onto the baking tray directly.

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